April Goals

It’s been a while since I’ve done a blog post on my monthly goals/dreams. So as the weather is finally turning warmer…let’s take a look at my goals for the month of April.


  • Blog Posts Honestly, I’ve been super busy with work and life, and the blog has taken a backseat. My first goal for April is to blog 2-3 times a week. I’ve actually got several things I want to talk about, so hopefully this will be an easy goal to hit.
  • Running April is one of my favorite months for running. Typically the weather is almost perfect. Not too cold or too hot. My next goal is to hit at least 100 miles for the month. Now, I’ll be honest, this isn’t that much of a stretch for me, as I typically average 100 miles a month already. So to add more to the goal, I want to try to hit 100 miles for the month, while only running 4 days a week. This will require more longer run days as I really want to use more days for rest or cross training during the week.
  • Reading This has definitely taken a backseat recently. I usually read at least a few books each month, but I have definitely dropped the ball. So my next goal is to finish 3 books in April. I’ve got several books lined up, so I’m ready to tackle this goal head on.
  • Quality Time With Rachel It’s no secret that marriage takes work. Rachel and I are pretty intentional about spending time together…but sometimes the time gets spent just watching TV or sitting around playing on our phones. My next goal is to have some time throughout each week for quality time with my wife. Whether it’s just taking a walk through the park, or spending time talking at Starbucks, I want us to have some time away from all the other distractions around us.
  • Connecting With Friends Another goal of mine is to take some time each week to connect with friends who I haven’t seen/reached out to in a while. It’s super easy to get comfortable with the circle of people around you, but I want to make sure I stay connected with those friends who mean just as much to me.
  • Limited Social Media Time This goal is going to take some work. But I really want to limit the amount of time I’m on social media this month. I’m not trying to stay off it every day…just limit the time I spend on it. I have found myself spending way too much of my day looking at Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc…
  • Random Acts Of Kindness My final goal for the month of April is to look for a few ways each week to do a random act of kindness for someone. Not sure exactly what this will look like yet, but I want to take some time each week to make someone’s life a little brighter.

Setting, goal, vision.

Anyways…I’m looking forward to a great month of April. I’ll definitely let you all know how it goes!

Friday Favorites

Been a while since I’ve done a Friday Favorites…so without further ado…here are a few things that I am excited about in my world.

  • Osprey Nebula Backpack I’m a huge fan of the Osprey brand. I’ve had a Osprey backpack for quite a few years now, plus I’ve been using their running hydration belt during my longer runs, and their quality is off the charts. So when it was time to get a new daily backpack, the only question was which Osprey backpack I would get. I ended up settling on the Osprey Nebula and I love it. I can’t wait to bring this piece into my everyday life.


  • Nike Epic React Flyknit I’ve been wearing Nike shoes for most of my running journey. I’ve dabbled with some other brands, but find myself always going back to Nike. So when Nike started promoting a new shoe that even after logging 300+ miles, it will feel like new, I knew I had to give it a try. I ended up scoring a free pair of these shoes and have already taken them out for a few test runs. I’m loving the look and especially the feel of them. The foam cushioning is so lightweight, but feels durable and soft at the same time (if that makes sense). I have a feeling these are going to be some of my favorite running shoes ever.


  • Dopey Finisher Jacket After the runDisney marathon weekend, Rachel and I had the opportunity to order finisher jackets for our respective races. I ended up ordering the Dopey Finisher Jacket, and after almost two months, it finally arrived! And…I love it! Honesty, I was worried about ordering it when I hadn’t seen it in person, but it’s the perfect size and fit. Can’t wait to show this off!


  • Dopey Race Pins One of the great things about having friends who are Disney Cast Members is getting to visit the Cast Connection store when we are down there. The Cast Connection is a store for cast members and their family/friends (as long as they are with the cast member) to buy Disney parks merchandise from previous seasons and races at a crazy markdown. I ended up scoring a full set of the 2018 Marathon Weekend race pins at like 80% off the normal price. Very happy to have these souvenirs from the Dopey Challenge!


  • Basketball Season Ending Finally, my last Friday Favorite is….my schedule returning to normal! As I’ve mentioned before, one of the big things we do in my gym is a basketball league. Basketball starts in late October with practices and ends this coming Monday night with playoff games. It’s been a wonderful 4+ months, but I’m super ready to get my weekends back.
